Family Relationship & Homeopathy Consultations

Book You Parenting Consultation Now! (740 × 588 px).svg

This is TWO 60-90 minute consultations that will familiarize me with your family situation and will include recommendations for both parenting AND homeopathic solutions that may assist you in your progress. You will also receive a written copy of my recommendations within 48 hours of the meeting. You will then make a follow-up appointment to be sure you get your questions answered and so we can address further concerns.  


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This for TWO 30 minute consultations for HOMEOPATHY only for one individual.  Bring your top three physical or mental health concerns for one person in your family and receive a written approach to deal with those issues homeopathically.  Then, set your follow-up appointment to get further instructions and answer your questions.


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This is TWO 90 minute consultations for up to four members of your household concerning HOMEOPATHY only. This saves you money and should only be booked if you have at least 3 people you need to consult about.  You will also receive a written copy of my recommendations within 48 hours of the meeting.
