My E-Book To Help You Prevent Meltdowns During The Holidays This Year

When I was raising my adopted kids, I remember how hard it was to travel, hang out with family my kids didn't know very well, and even get through a few celebratory meals during the holidays.  Tantrums and meltdowns were pretty much inevitable.

 Until we learned a few fantastic strategies that made holidays MUCH easier. 

In this e-book, I share the techniques and strategies we used to make transitions and new places much less overwhelming for our kids.  And the best part is, you can use these techniques all year 'round!

  • ​Prevent Tantrums:  Our kids had 5-10 major tantrums each EVERY DAY until we started implementing these strategies.
  • ​Learn Some Brain Science:I'm not a neuroscientist, but there are certain concepts about the brain that make parenting adopted kids much easier, once you know them.
  •  Start Having Fun Again: This information will set you on the path to having fun with your family again and enjoying the traditions at holiday time that you may have had to amend or give up altogether.
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Practical Tips, Invaluable Information

Use this information all year long but get started right away by making this holiday season run much more smoothly with a few simple to understand approaches that help you set boundaries while not sacrificing relationship, right away.

  • ​Tips For Success: Practical parenting tips you can use today to start reducing severe behaviors
  • Strategies For Dealing With Food Allergies:A general guide about food and how it impacts behavior, with strategies for children with food sensitivities and allergies
  • Information About Homeopathy: Homeopathy probably doesn't mean what you think it does and in this e-book I give you several homeopathic approaches to handle transitions and anxiety 

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Secrets To Connect 2022 - 132 3214 Rainbow Dr., Livingston, TX